Dutch Ovens are one of the best cooking tools available to man. If you weren't born with pioneer ancestors who passed the love of these great cooking ovens down to their descendants, you may not know how to to prepare and use them.
The International Dutch Oven Society based in Logan, Utah created a series of 'How To' videos as part of the 2009 International Dutch Oven Cookoff Event (see below)
If you don't have a Dutch Oven yet, get one and start using it this summer. You'll discover a whole new world of flavor that has sadly been missing from your life and at the same time gain a method of cooking that by using charcoal or wood coals can indefinitely bridge the loss of utility services.
Seasoning Dutch Ovens
Dutch Oven Safety
Heating Up a Dutch Oven
Dutch Oven Accessories
Dutch Oven Accessories 2
Dutch Oven Rule of 3’s
Dutch Oven Cleaning